Turkish Coffee

SKU: TK123756789-1

CHF 12.50

250 g

GROWER/ESTATE: Small Holder Farmers


Röstung: Dunkel

Mahlgrad: Türkisch (sehr fein)

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Der sortenreine Arabica (Varietät: Mocha- Arabica) aus der Wiege des Kaffees zeichnet sich durch seinen vollen Körper, eine milde harmonische Säure und eine würzig-florale Aromatik aus. Durch die nasse Aufbereitung erhält unser Mocca Arabica eine klare, intensive und charakteristische Note.

After rigorously tasting several varieties of coffee beans, we are proud to offer you our own brand of gourmet Turkish coffee! Unlike the way roasters typically do their coffee tasting (cupping) where they just pour hot water over a cup of coffee grounds; we actually brewed each variety before we selected our bean. This is because Turkish coffee is the only method of brewing where coffee beans are actually roasted again. So just cupping will not do. The first variety we chose was an Ethiopia Sidamo! Once you taste this unique flavored refined coffee you’ll understand why we chose this variety to be our first gourmet Turkish coffee.

Grown in the Sidamo province of Ethiopia, the birth place of all coffee, our Ethiopia Sidamo is a 100% Arabica bean variety that has been certified Fair Trade and Organic.

GROWER/ESTATE: Small Holder Farmers


Röstung: Dunkel

Mahlgrad: Türkisch (sehr fein)

Zusätzliche Information

Gewicht 250 g